Page 14 - Revelation Message Christian Institute Catalog
P. 14


              Revelation Message Christian Institute is Interdenominational in nature; however, we hold to
              the following Articles of Faith:

              I.     The Holy Scriptures:
                     We believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of the Living God; true, without error, immutable,
                     steadfast, unchangeable, inspired by the Lord God Jehovah; and penned by Holy men of old as
                     they were moved upon and directed by the Holy Spirit.

              II.    The Eternal Godhead:
                     We believe that there is but one true and Living God; maker of heaven and earth and all that is
                     in them; the Alpha and Omega, Whoever was, and is, and shall be without end; that in the unity
                     of the Godhead there are three Persons, equal in every divine perfection, executing distinct but
                     harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.

                     The Father-whose glory is so exceeding bright that mortal men cannot look upon His face and
                            live; but whose heart was so filled with love and pity for His lost and sin-benighted
                            children that He freely gave His only begotten Son to redeem and reconcile them unto

                     The Son-Co-existent and co-eternal with the Father, Who, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born
                            of the virgin named Mary, took upon Himself the form of man, bore our sins, carried our
                            sorrows; and by the shedding of His precious blood upon the cross of Calvary purchased
                            redemption for all that would believe upon Him; bursting the bonds of death and hell,
                            rose from the grave and ascended on high leading captivity captive, that as the great
                            Mediator betwixt God and man, He might sit at the right hand of the Father making
                            intercession for whom He laid down His life.

                     The  Holy  Spirit-The  third  person  of  the  Godhead,  the  Spirit  of  the  Father  shed  abroad,
                            omnipotent,  omnipresent,  performing  an  inexpressible  important  mission  upon  earth,
                            convicting  of  sin,  of  righteousness,  and  judgment,  drawing  sinners  to  the  Savior,
                            rebuking,  pleading,  searching,  comforting,  guiding,  quickening,  teaching,  glorifying,
                            baptizing and enduing with power from on high, all who yield to His tender ministries,
                            preparing them for the great day of the Lord’s appearing.

              III.   The Fall of Man
                     We believe that man was created in the image of God, before Whom he walked in holiness and
                     purity, but that by voluntary disobedience and transgression, he fell from the Eden of purity and
                     innocence to the depths of sin and iniquity.  We also believe that as a consequence of this, all
                     mankind are sinners, not by coercion, but by choice, shaped in iniquity and utterly void by nature
                     of the holiness required by the law of God.  Therefore, mankind is positively inclined to evil,
                     guilty and without excuse, justly deserving the condemnation of a just and Holy God.

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